Archive for the ‘Guattari’ category

Sounding Interiors: Daydream, Imagination, and the Auscultation of Domestic Space

December 9, 2008

Here’s the link to my final paper in LS819-Domestic Spaces.


Welcome to my rhizomatic/neural journal!

February 3, 2008

Welcome to my GLS blog. This is starting as a journal project for LS801 The Capacity and Limits of Reason in the Spring 2008 semester, but will hopefully extend throughout my progress through the program. It is meant to become a resource and record of my thought processes and others’ comments upon them.

This is a mutable project. I spent a good deal of time considering the form this journal should take and settled for the time being on the blog. This may become a separate full blown web site with other resources at some time. I didn’t want to work on a simple linear paper type journal. It doesn’t seem to suit how I think and, maybe more importantly, how I organize my thoughts. I’ve been inspired to some degree by Deleuze and Guattari’s notion of the rhizome because of their model’s resemblance to my note-taking procedures! Similarly, a neural model of dendrites, axons and synapses is very compelling and somewhat resembles my very non-linear notes.

The blog post page will contain my semi-regular thoughts, impressions and vague intuitions as I read through particular books and experience various things. As more cogent ideas develop a rhizomatic nucleus will form on a separate page with subsequent links to other local and distant pages, images, sounds, music, videos etc etc etc. Broken root systems will be left on display and new nuclei will be added with connections established on an ongoing basis as the need seems apparent to me. I welcome any considered commentary!